On-Line Survey

Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated. Your answers play an important role in establishing our ethical management system and fostering a transparent, healthy corporate culture.

▣ Ethical Management Level Survey

  • How do you perceive the level of ethical management operation at SM Line?

  Well operated   Not well operated   Don't know
  • How do you perceive the level of ethical awareness among the SM Line employees you currently work with?

  High   Moderate   Low
  • How do you assess the ethical conduct of our employees working with you in comparison to SM Line's competitors?

  High   Moderate   Low

▣ Company Member Corruption Survey

  • Have you received any requests for financial gifts from SM Line members in the past year?

  Yes   No   I have heard about this from someone I know.

-. If you answered "yes" or "I have heard about this from someone I know", kindly provide specific detail.
  • Have you received any requests for entertainment provision from SM Line members in the past year?

  Yes   No   I have heard about this from someone I know.

-. If you answered "yes" or "I have heard about this from someone I know", kindly provide specific detail.
  • Have you received any requests for financial transaction from SM Line members in the past year?

  Yes   No   I have heard about this from someone I know.

-. If you answered "yes" or "I have heard about this from someone I know", kindly provide specific detail.
  • Have you been asked by SM Line members to give preferential treatment to a particular company

  Yes   No   I have heard about this from someone I know.

-. If you answered "yes" or "I have heard about this from someone I know", kindly provide specific detail.
  • Apart from the above, have you ever been aware of misconduct by any of SM Line employees?

  Yes   No   I have heard about this from someone I know.

-. If you answered "yes" or "I have heard about this from someone I know", kindly provide specific detail.

▣ Survey Respondent Information

  • What is your relationship with the company?

        Employer or employee of SM Line         Employer or employee of SM Group         Customer
        Supplier         General citizen         Prefer not to disclose
  • How long have you been associated with us?

  Less than 3 months   Less than 1 year   More than 1 year   Prefer not to disclose

오시는 길

서울특별시 강서구 마곡중앙 8로 78(마곡동, SM R&D 센터) 5, 6층
지하철 5호선 발산역 1, 9번 출구